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Archive for November 3, 2010

The Giving Spirit

Did you know giving back to the community not only benefits others, but can also improve your health? It’s what is known as a “helper’s high”: volunteers report greater life satisfaction and better physical and mental health than non-volunteers.

The holiday season always inspires generosity, and in today’s challenging economic climate, there are many non-monetary ways to give back to your community. Check out the ideas below for inspiration, then add a few new ones of your own!

• Donate “gently worn” clothing and coats to a local shelter.
• Read to at-risk kids or help them with their homework.
• Collect and deliver toys to a charity or firehouse in your area.
• Hold a canned food drive to benefit your local food bank.
• Serve a meal at a senior center or soup kitchen.
• Organize a group to sing carols at a nursing home.
• Visit hospitals or nursing homes to cheer up patients
or residents who seldom get visitors.

For more volunteer ideas in your area, check out
Volunteer-Match ( or
Craigslist’s volunteer section (