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Archive for October 27, 2010

Laugh More, Live Healthier

The best prescription for a healthy life is to eat a good nutritious diet,
exercise on a regular basis and add in a few good belly laughs every day.
In fact, it has been estimated that we need a minimum of 12 laughs a day
in order to maintain optimal health!

It seems that the old adage is true – laughter really is the best
medicine. Laughing a mere 15 minutes a day – whether it be
giggling, chuckling or roaring with laughter – has been proven to
effectively lower your blood pressure, decrease stress and tension,
boost your energy, elevate your mood and rev up your blood
flow. If you need a little stress relief or a quick energy boost, find
something to give you a little chuckle – or better yet, a strong
bout of laughter. After all, it’s good for your health!

Laughter also creates joyful and happy feelings. When we feel down
and frustrated because of problems, laughing allows us to pull ourselves up by
the bootstraps, get back on solid ground, and gain some new insights or find a
solution to our problem. Remember to LOL (laugh out loud) frequently to stay
on track both physically and emotionally!