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Save your “green” during the holidays

The holidays are just around the corner – and so is the holiday shopping season. This year, enjoy the season without overspending by following these simple tips:

• Decide how much you can spend. Set a budget before making the gift list, then trim names or amounts as necessary to stay within your budget.

• Pay cash. Have trouble adhering to a budget when using credit? Then make it a cash-only holiday. Set a limit and withdraw the money from your account; when the money’s gone, the shopping is over.

• Shop prices, not sales. Know the prices for items on your list and don’t be fooled by the sale signs. Just because it’s “on sale” doesn’t mean it’s a good deal.

• Send e-cards. They’re free, don’t require postage, and can be easily sent to friends and family both near and far.

• Be creative. Bake cookies for a neighbor or friend, or offer to baby-sit, walk the dog, or run an errand. The cost is next to nothing, but such a personal gift is priceless to the recipient.

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