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Foods to Eat for a Stronger, Healthier Heart

You can improve your heart’s function simply by eating heart-healthy foods – and the best news is that many are foods you love to eat anyway. Now you can “take
heart” that they are not only enjoyable, but they’re also good for you! Heart-healthy Foods:

Blueberries – Sweet and plump, these gems are at the top of the list of nature’s antioxidants, which are natural ingredients that neutralize harmful substances that contribute to heart disease. They also help prevent blood clots.

Nuts – Almonds, walnuts, macadamias, and hazelnuts are high in monounsaturated fat, which works to lower “bad” cholesterol levels. Additionally, they are rich in vitamin E – a powerful antioxidant—and in the amino acid arginine, which helps keep artery walls strong.

Avocados – High in the “good” monounsaturated fat, avocados also contain chemicals that inhibit the absorption of cholesterol and protect against hypertension.

Olive Oil –A “healthy” fat, this monounsaturated oil is good for your cholesterol, and, when used on salads or to sauté veggies, it helps you absorb nutrients.

Chocolate – “Flavonols”—the nutrient found in rich, dark chocolate—helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

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