Lake Norman area real estate news and helpful information

Archive for October, 2010

Dishing The Dirt On Office Germs

The office is a hotbed of germs, a microbial monstrosity! According to a University of Arizona study, a typical worker’s desk has hundreds of times more bacteria per square inch than a toilet seat!

What is the germiest item in an office? It’s the humble telephone! Telephones are constantly close to people’s mouths, and are rarely disinfected. Tables and desks rank next on the dirty “hot list.” Computer keyboards and mice, shared pens, elevator or vending machine buttons, and handrails, which are in constant contact with human hands, are also natural nesting places for germs and viruses that can live on a surface for up to three days.

So, what can you do to make your office a cleaner place? Simply put, sanitize it. Among office workers who were instructed to clean their desks daily with disinfecting wipes, bacterial levels were cut by 99 percent, drastically reducing their chance of illness. Be aware of the places germs concentrate, and wash hands frequently to further guard against illness. And if you have to eat your lunch off anything in the office, try the photocopier. With just 69 germs per square inch, it’s almost as clean as the toilet seat!

Laugh More, Live Healthier

The best prescription for a healthy life is to eat a good nutritious diet,
exercise on a regular basis and add in a few good belly laughs every day.
In fact, it has been estimated that we need a minimum of 12 laughs a day
in order to maintain optimal health!

It seems that the old adage is true – laughter really is the best
medicine. Laughing a mere 15 minutes a day – whether it be
giggling, chuckling or roaring with laughter – has been proven to
effectively lower your blood pressure, decrease stress and tension,
boost your energy, elevate your mood and rev up your blood
flow. If you need a little stress relief or a quick energy boost, find
something to give you a little chuckle – or better yet, a strong
bout of laughter. After all, it’s good for your health!

Laughter also creates joyful and happy feelings. When we feel down
and frustrated because of problems, laughing allows us to pull ourselves up by
the bootstraps, get back on solid ground, and gain some new insights or find a
solution to our problem. Remember to LOL (laugh out loud) frequently to stay
on track both physically and emotionally!

Prepare Your Home For Winter

Out with the beach gear and floral prints. In with the sweaters and football posters. As the air turns crisp, a weekend of preparation can make for a much cozier (and less expensive) winter.

Here are some helpful tips:

Indoor Chores
Add a second layer of insulation to your attic and consider installing storm windows and doors.
Check and replace the batteries in carbon monoxide detectors.
Get your furnace checked and tuned up by professionals. Keeping your heating system at its optimum efficiency could save you hundreds on heating costs.
Check the weather-stripping and caulking on all windows and doors for damage and tightness of fit. Replace if you see gaps or cracks.

Outdoor Chores
Remove debris from gutters and downspouts.
Make sure waterlines and hose bibs are protected from freezing.
Check the exterior for cracked or peeling paint. Repaint if necessary. This helps protect the wood from rot.

Credit Card Perks Worth Knowing

Credit cards can sometimes lead to “debt hangover.” But for savvy consumers who can use cards wisely, credit cards can have advantages over other payment forms:

• Safety – Whether shopping in person or online, cardholders are legally liable for only $50 in fraudulent charges. Debit cards don’t provide this same level of protection.

• Free extended warranty – Many credit cards automatically extend the manufacturer’s warranty (most double it) on items purchased with the card.

• Travel protections – When traveling, your credit card may provide insurance on car rentals, travel cancellation or accidents, lost airline luggage and hotel burglary.

• Dispute help – Have a problem with a retailer regarding a recent purchase? Dispute the charge and let the credit card company fight with the retailer.

• Accounting – It’s easier to account for purchases when you can run your finger down a credit card statement.

Reprinted with permission of RISMedia, publisher of Real Estate Magazine

Can Rates Go Down Any More?

It appears they CAN and that they WILL. The buzzwords today are Quantitative Easing. It is another of the weapons the Fed has at its disposal to impact the economy, as a whole, and interest rates in particular.

Let me explain. In so far as the Fed has already lowered the rates they charge to lending institutions as much as they can, and they still see a sluggish economy with weak employment numbers and growth, the Fed appears ready to enter a second round of Quantitative Easing (QE). QE is when the Fed begins to buy Mortgage Backed Securities in earnest. They do that by paying more that the market price for MBSs; therefore, pushing interest rates lower.

But why do it? I mean rates are historically low already. Is lowering rates another quarter or half percent going to get someone to buy a house that hasn’t already gotten off the fence? Maybe, but I can’t see the number of people deciding to buy at 4% rates being that significant as compared to those looking to buy at 4.5%. There HAS to be other reasons. Maybe….

  1. The Fed realizes that lower rates will stabilize home prices. Lower rates mean borrowers can borrow more money based on their income, enabling them to pay more for a home which can slow the decline of prices, stabilize prices, and in a few areas even raise prices of homes.
  2. The Fed needs to look like they are doing SOMETHING to energize the economy or get consumer confidence turned around.
  3. The Fed has an agenda other than lower mortgage rates. Maybe the Fed is using the lowering of rates, in an effort to devalue the US Dollar abroad. By lowering the value of the dollar, our products become a better bargain to buyers overseas. So, maybe, just maybe, this is actually an attempt to kick start the economy. If we sell more products overseas, we need to produce more products, hire more employees to make, sell, and distribute those products. Can I smell job growth through QE?

Understand that a weakened dollar will eventually force rates to move up (to re- strengthen the dollar); so, there is going to be a window of even more incredible mortgage rates, but, the window will need to be carefully watched because it can’t be left open forever.

There is no history we can point to predict if QE can or will work. Nor is there any real indication of the level of aggressiveness the Fed will take in this area. (Listen to the rhetoric between now and next week’s release of the Fed’s Beige Book as hints.) It may just be another shot in the dark, but personally, I am in favor of ideas that promote job growth more than government hand outs and bail outs.

Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins

1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup cooking oil
1 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup semisweet miniature chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare
muffin pan with butter, cooking spray
or paper liners. Sift together flour,
baking powder, baking soda, salt and
cinnamon and set aside. Combine
eggs, sugar, oil and pumpkin; mix
well. Stir in flour mixture until just
moistened—do not over mix! Fold in
pecans and chocolate chips. Spoon
into pan, filling each cup two-thirds
full. Bake 18-24 minutes. Enjoy!

It’s a Good Time to Buy

There are three common misconceptions consumers have about the real estate market right now:
(1) people can’t get a loan,

(2) affordability is out of reach, and

(3) consumers should wait for rates to go lower.

The truth of the matter, however, is that money is available for those who meet basic requirements, affordability today is better than it has been in several years, and interest rates are historically low. There is also a load of inventory – from new homes to existing homes to foreclosures. This all adds up to the home-buying opportunity of a lifetime!

Visit my website to start your home search today!

Save your “green” during the holidays

The holidays are just around the corner – and so is the holiday shopping season. This year, enjoy the season without overspending by following these simple tips:

• Decide how much you can spend. Set a budget before making the gift list, then trim names or amounts as necessary to stay within your budget.

• Pay cash. Have trouble adhering to a budget when using credit? Then make it a cash-only holiday. Set a limit and withdraw the money from your account; when the money’s gone, the shopping is over.

• Shop prices, not sales. Know the prices for items on your list and don’t be fooled by the sale signs. Just because it’s “on sale” doesn’t mean it’s a good deal.

• Send e-cards. They’re free, don’t require postage, and can be easily sent to friends and family both near and far.

• Be creative. Bake cookies for a neighbor or friend, or offer to baby-sit, walk the dog, or run an errand. The cost is next to nothing, but such a personal gift is priceless to the recipient.

Foods to Eat for a Stronger, Healthier Heart

You can improve your heart’s function simply by eating heart-healthy foods – and the best news is that many are foods you love to eat anyway. Now you can “take
heart” that they are not only enjoyable, but they’re also good for you! Heart-healthy Foods:

Blueberries – Sweet and plump, these gems are at the top of the list of nature’s antioxidants, which are natural ingredients that neutralize harmful substances that contribute to heart disease. They also help prevent blood clots.

Nuts – Almonds, walnuts, macadamias, and hazelnuts are high in monounsaturated fat, which works to lower “bad” cholesterol levels. Additionally, they are rich in vitamin E – a powerful antioxidant—and in the amino acid arginine, which helps keep artery walls strong.

Avocados – High in the “good” monounsaturated fat, avocados also contain chemicals that inhibit the absorption of cholesterol and protect against hypertension.

Olive Oil –A “healthy” fat, this monounsaturated oil is good for your cholesterol, and, when used on salads or to sauté veggies, it helps you absorb nutrients.

Chocolate – “Flavonols”—the nutrient found in rich, dark chocolate—helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Simple Laundry Day Solutions

Is laundry day getting the best of you? Streamline your routine with
these resourceful tips and get out of the laundry room FAST:

• Give each person in your family their own laundry hamper to reduce sorting time.

• Hang a bag in the laundry room for items that need repairs so you can grab a garment to mend when you have a free moment.

• Clip clothespins to the sides of your hampers and teach family members to pin them on clothing to mark stains or spills.

• Pin dirty socks together at the ankle with a safety pin when you take them off. No more lost socks!

• Give every member of your family a mesh lingerie bag for their undergarments. Then, simply toss the bags in the washer and their small
items will stay sorted for you.

• Keep extra hangers in the laundry room to hang wrinkle-prone clothes as soon as they come out of the dryer.

Changes to FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums

The Federal Housing Association has announced changes to their Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP) structure taking effect on or after October 4, 2010.  The up-front premium (financed into the loan) is being reduced from 2.25% to 1.0%.  Providing the loan amount does not exceed FHA’s county loan limits, the FHA loan is a very affordable and less cash down payment and lower monthly payment in most cases.

To read more information about FHA requirements and guidlines click on

What’s my house worth?

Fair market value, simply speaking, is
what a buyer is willing to pay for
a property; in other words, “what the
market will bear.” This is, in essence, what
a property is worth.

There are many factors that go into
establishing the fair market value of a
home, and two weighty ones are the
home’s square footage and number of
bedrooms/bathrooms. The home’s age,
condition and location are also important
factors, and the school district can greatly
affect value for home buyers with children.

Supply and demand is also a
consideration. The fewer comparable
listings there are on the market in your
area, the more valuable your home,
especially if it has hard-to-find amenities
or is located in a very desirable
neighborhood. Conversely, if there are lots
of comparable homes on the market, it can
lower the value of your home, particularly
when there is a scarcity of buyers.

An easy way to determine the value of your
home is to request a comparative market
analysis (CMA), which tells you how much
your house is worth compared to other
homes sold in the area in the past year. I
will be happy to personally complete this
analysis for you upon request.

Ambrosia with Raspberry Sauce

3/4 cup frozen, slightly sweetened
raspberries, thawed
1 Tbsp raspberry or other fruit
liqueur (optional)
4 kiwifruit, peeled, halved, and
sliced about 1/4 inch thick
12 oz can mandarin oranges
1 cup sliced strawberries
1/4 cup blueberries
1/4 cup toasted, shredded coconut

This fresh fruit salad is full of ripe, zesty
flavors, and perfect for a picnic, outdoor
barbeque, or dinner on the patio.

Sauce: In a blender, combine raspberries
and liqueur; puree until smooth.

NOTE: You can substitute 2 Tbsp fruit juice and
1 tsp sugar, or 1 Tbsp condensed juice
(such as orange) in place of liqueur.

Evenly spoon the raspberry sauce onto
four serving plates. Arrange kiwifruit,
oranges, strawberries, and blueberries
on plates. Sprinkle each plate with
toasted coconut and serve.