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Archive for September 25, 2010

The cure for the common closet

Are you hiding a dirty little secret – a messy and overflowing closet? Here are some tips to helptame the unruly eyesore:

• If you haven’t worn it for a year, it has to go. Sell designer or classic pieces on consignment or eBay, donate usable items in good condition to charity, and toss things that are beyond repair. If you must hold onto something that evokes warm memories, box it up and put it in storage. Remember: It’s a closet, not a museum.
• Free up space for everyday clothes by storing formalwear or seasonal clothing in plastic bins or in another appropriate storage area. Note: always wash or dry clean items before storing.
• Every time you buy something new, throw out something old. Not only will it be good for your closet, but possibly your bank account, too. Here’s an easy way to maintain your clean closet: start with all hangers facing the same
direction on the rod. When you wear an item, flip its hanger around. At the end of 6 months, sell, donate or toss all of the clothes still facing the original direction!