Lake Norman area real estate news and helpful information

Archive for September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day…need some ideas of what to do?

Looking for things to do on the last official holiday of the summer? Whether you want to spend the day doing nothing or squeeze in a last minute trip, here are a few ideas to get you started.

  1. Take a trip to the park.  With so many great parks in the area you won’t have to travel far.   Lake Norman State Park, located in Troutman, there is something here for the whole family to enjoy.
  2. Make homemade Ice Cream.  Chose your favorite flavor and favorite ingredients for a tasty treat.  Peach has my vote!
  3. Want to be around others?  Host a Cook-Out.  You don’t have to foot the bill.  Get your guest to help.  Most will be happy to pitch in by bringing a side dish, condiments, dessert… The goal is about spending time together with friends and family any way.
  4. Go on a picnic!  Pack a basket full of your favorites and head outdoors.
  5.  What about going for a bike ride?  There are many greenways and mountain bike trails in the area to choose from.


What ever you do, I hope you have a safe and fun Labor Day!